H14 - Point Wrangle vs Creep SOP

The following Vex code used in a Point Wrangle reproduces the behavior of the Creep SOP, and it's about 5 times faster.

I've used it to stick and move points on a NURBs surface.

Points To Stick --> Point Wrangle Input 1
Nurbs Surface --> Point Wrangle Input 2

vector newP=primuv(@OpInput2, "P", 0, set(v@P.x,v@P.y,0));
vector newN=primuv(@OpInput2, "N", 0, set(v@P.x,v@P.y,0));
The VEX command primuv is super fast.

This system works of course even with a polygonal object. Just make sure to create UV coords and N (using Facet Sop).

Wrangle nodes win again !

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